Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Meaning of Redemption

1. Define the word redemption
An act of redeeming or atoning a fault or mistake, the state of being redeemed

2. Consider this definition. Describe what it means to you. Describe a time when you felt or have felt redeemed for something you did or felt.
I don't always redeem myself but when I do, I make sure it counts. I destroyed my ankle on a certain snowboard run a few years back then couldn't snowboard until this year. I successfully completed the run this time around.

3. Research an example, from art, history, or popular culture, or a person being redeemed in each of the following ways:

a) physical redemption 
'Inception' 'The Other Guys'
b) spiritual redemption
'Inception' Baptisms
c) emotional redemption
d) psychological redemption
'Inception' 'Dead Space 3: Awakened'

e) political or legal redemption

Friday, February 1, 2013

All Of My Awesome

1. Internet. All the awesome in the world has been leaking from here.
2. Relationships.Better than being Forever Available.
3. Bacon. Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips...
4. Friends. Friendship is Magic..
5. Parkour. The French's invention of running away... Only better.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Biographical Poem Things.

Creative, imaginative, and artistic.
Wii Sports. (Not much into sports)
Creative, clever, and ninja.
Limitless and Looper
Chinese, chicken, and anything unhealthy.
Spiders, falling from heights, and death.
Get a haircut and get a new job.
(Soon to be) Australia.
Japan, Hawaii, and Halloween Town.